Homecoming week is over with so I finally get my daughter and my house back. It is such a crazy time for Megan with student council. Besides building a float, planning and executing the Pep Assembly, teaching a dance to "The Boy cheerleaders" and all the other activity that surrounds this week, Megan is supposed to actually attend her classes and do homework. I was able to attend the Pep assembly this week and they did a great job. Mike and I went to the football game with Jeanne and George Gladden Friday night, which was really fun. Megan's friends come over on Saturday to get ready for the dance, Maria did an AMAZING job on their makeup! After the dance, they came back to the house for the "afterparty" and at around 4am the boys left and they finally got to sleep. Hannah went to the dance and a party and I picked her up at 1:00am. She hung with the group until the end. Needless to say we all slept in today!
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