

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Family Picture 101

Okay so every holiday I ask my family to please be prepared to take a family picture. I warn them ahead of time that hair, makeup and outfit should be photo ready and I would appreciate their help in getting a good shot. Why this continues to be a challenge I do not know. Why people (Mike) can not just smile for the camera and keep their hands (Mike) to themselves puzzles me. Thank god for digital and the ability to erase; but I like to keep the pictures as proof that my life is not easy.

1 comment:

  1. ahhh...gotta love the family picture...brings back good ol memories from christmas with the fam...and isn't it a funny coincidence that the family patriarch is responsible for most of the ruined pictures...still love you uncle offense...just pointing out a pattern in family picture taking :)
    love, dana
